I Can Make It Happen!

Yesterday I had the absolute privilege of hearing Stedman Graham, New York Times best-selling author, give an inspirational lecture on identity development at Full Sail University.  Although this particular session was geared toward college freshman, Graham's 9-step plan for success outlines a make-sense approach anyone can follow to achieve his/her goals.

As a new grad, Graham's emphasis on creating a vision for yourself really spoke to me.  After all, f you don't know where you're going how will you know which roads to take? 

Graham recognizes that identity education is an essential component in an individual's social/emotional development.   He argues that "self-knowledge is where success begins."

In addition to the morning lecture, I was honored to be invited to join Stedman and several other graduates from the Education Media Design and Technology Master's Program in an engaging discussion on trials and triumphs of education today and the possibilities of tomorrow.

A BIG thank you to Dr. Holly Ludgate who had the foresight to know that a conversation between Stedman Graham and EMDT grads would yield endless possibilities for synergistic collaborations!


Things are not always what they seem...


Tri Something New