For a Good Cause

Last month I teamed up with an old friend, Dr. Cyndy Caravelis Hughes, Criminology Professor at Western Carolina University.

Cyndy was the August winner of my monthly FREE design drawing.

When I contacted Cyndy offering my help, here's what she said:

Yes, I have a wonderful project that could use your creativity. I recently became part of a newly formed group called: WNC:DPR That stands for Western North Carolinians for Death Penalty Repeal.

There have been 3 cases in the last handful of years where inmates were exonerated and released. Needless to say, things in North Carolina with regard to the death penalty are a bit of a mess right now, so we're a grass roots group of professors, lawyers and other interested parties trying to insert some logic into what's going on here.

We just named ourselves last May, so what we really need is a logo. Due to the nature of the group, it needs to be somewhat conservative, professional, but still attention getting.

Here's what we came up with:

Find out what Cyndy thought of the whole experience here.


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