Content Rules

Content Rules is the name of CC Chapman's new book and a phrase that has long been a battle cry of mine as educator/designer/developer/marketer.

"Content rules" could mean a couple of things:

  1. The colloquial translation could mean "content rocks" or "content is wicked" or "content is hella rad" - depending on your regional dialect.
  2. The literal interpretation is a list of requirements/criteria necessary to create/share information with others.

In the case of CC Chapman's new book, I'd have to say he intended both.

I was lucky enough to attend a recent lecture CC gave to students at Full Sail University. I don't think anyone can effectively convey the entire content/value of a book in 90 minutes, but CC did a great job of summarizing the key points.

Here are my quick notes:

  1. Embrace that you are a publisher
  2. Content has no expiration date
  3. Nobody shares crap content
  4. Speak human - no PR fluff or legalese
  5. Do something unexpected
  6. Show - just don't tell
  7. Re-imagine - just don't recycle
  8. Share or solve - don't shill
  9. Build momentum
  10. Stoke the campfire
  11. Move forward with purpose
  12. Have fun

As a faculty member of Full Sail's Education Media Design and Technology Program, I wonder if CC has any thoughts on creating engaging and meaningful educational content. One of the main focuses of our program is finding innovative ways of incorporating media and technology into today’s classrooms, whether that be a K-12 environment or an institute of higher education.

How do you develop quality material for a 21st century learner?

In his presentation, CC spoke about creating web content, blog posts, videos, webinars, and web sites that will entice customers...

But I wonder, does it work the same when trying to entice students? Discuss.




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