Let's collaborate
I enjoy working with educational institutions, community-based organizations, growing businesses, and those with a cause.
Is this you?
I provide custom estimates for every engagement based on deliverable milestones. Estimates are valid for 15 days.
A deposit, equal to 1/2 the project estimate, is due before any work can begin.
Payment is kindly appreciated within 15 days of invoice date. I accept checks and online payments.
Drop me a line
Tell me a little about yourself and your project.
Period of Engagement
It's important to establish deadlines and expectations of accessibility and responsiveness upfront. Creating content is hard. So hard, in fact, that it's the number one reason for delayed or abandoned projects. Defining a period of engagement with a deliverable timeline will help keep us on track. This period of engagement will begin once the initial deposit has been received.
Any work not completed during the period of engagement, as a result of failing to provide requested information/feedback/etc, is subject to additional fees.
Abandoned Projects
All projects postponed, delayed or abandoned by the client for 15 days or more will be invoiced for work completed-to-date.
Cancellation Fee
All projects are subject to a cancellation fee equal to the deposit amount, plus any additional expenses incurred. This fee is designed to cover billable time and tangible expenses for work completed up until the project is terminated.
Unless explicitly stated, the client will retain all rights to the content we develop together.