RISE Model for Portfolio

I identify more as a practitioner than an academic.

One of my favorite things about my teaching gig is how many opportunities I have to iterate on my curriculum and approach in the classroom. Last year I began reimagining a portfolio experience for students that would allow for a process of discovery, an articulation of self, and a demonstration of skill. As of a couple of months ago, I stepped away from teaching my core content course to focus solely on this effort.

Despite what the antiquated title suggests (ePortfolio? Who says that?), this book contains many ideas and practices that are now the foundation of my work. Particularly informative is the discussion of integrated learning as a means for students to make relevant connections to the subject matter, to aid in the transference of knowledge between disciplines, and to synthesize their experiences beyond the classroom.

This is the crux of the “E - Elevate” in the RISE Model, which essentially prompts students to look for additional dimension in and application of what they learn.

I’m so inspired by what I’ve seen that I’m testing out a new version of the RISE Model specific to student portfolio development and assessment.

Stay tuned...

RISE Model Emily Wray Portfolio
RISE Model Emily Wray Portfolio

Orlando Together - Religion Cohort


Real World Education